What is the Difference between OPC and PPC now days

 n this post, I am going to explain the major differences among the OPC and PPC [Ordinary Portland Cement and Pozzolana Portland Cement].

Difference between OPC and PPC :

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The word OPC stands for Ordinary Portland CementThe word PPC stands for Pozzolana Portland Cement

Raw Material

Ordinary Portland cement is a mixture of limestone, raw argillaceous, calcareous materials and gypsum.Pozzolana cement is manufactured by mixing 30% of pozzolana to Ordinary Portland cement clinkers.


OPC comprises of huge amount of Limestone powder in itThe pozzolana is a material which is formed due to the volcanic eruptions. It is a siliceous material having about 80% clay in it.


The durability of concrete made by OPC is less when compared with PPCThe main motto of adding Pozzolana Materials to OPC is to enhance the Durability of Concrete

Initial Strength

The initial strength of OPC is higher when compared with PPC which makes effective for construction
The initial strength is less but for longer duration, the strength of PPC is comparatively higher than OPC.


Three different grades OPC33, OPC43, OPC53 grades of cement is available in market

There are no such grades in PPC, the strength of PPC matches the OPC33 grade.It is differentiated based on type of pozzolanic material added in OPC , the different types of Pozollonic materials are Fly ash, Volcanic tuff, Rice Husk ash

Environmental Impact

OPC is an ecofriendly product where most of the materials present in cement is naturally availablePPC is more eco friendlier than OPC as the carbon footprints generated by manufacturing PPC is less when compared with OPC which reduces the environmental pollution

Heat of Hydration

OPC generates more heat after mixing with the water which makes OPC is not suitable for mass casting.PPC has a slow hydration process due to which heat generation is comparatively lower.


OPC is more costlier than PPCThe price of PPC is less which makes the construction economic.

Permeability and Fineness

Lower the fineness , higher the permeability. OPC has a fineness of 225m2/kgPPC has a fineness of 300m2/Kg so it has lower permeability with higher durability

Workability of Concrete

Good workable concrete can be achieved using OPC, but the workability is less than PPC
Concrete made with PPC has more workability than OPC

Volume of Mortar

Volume of mortar achieved is less when compared with the PPC as OPC is less finerThe volume of mortar achieved by PPC is higher than OPC as PPC is less density

Curing period

As per IS456:2000 the minimum curing period should not be less than 7 days when exposed to hot and extreme weather conditions, the minimum curing period should not be less than 10days

As per IS456:2000, the minimum curing period of any blended cement (PPC) the minimum curing period should not be less than 10 days and for hot conditions, 14 days is required.

Resistance to chemical attacks

The resistance of Ordinary Portland cement to chlorides, sulfates is lessThe resistance capacity of PPC to chlorides, sulfates etc is high for PPC

Setting time

The initial setting time of OPC is 30mins
The final setting time of OPC is 600mins
The initial setting time of PPC is 30mins.
The final setting time of PPC is 600mins


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