The scope of this method statement is to define the procedure that will be followed for Railing fixing.
·       Approved Railing Drawings.
·       Detailed section of railing.(Balcony/Stair)
Stair/balcony Railing, welding rod, Plumb bob, Measuring tape, MS plate of 100x50 mm  for stair railing , mason thread, anchor fastener (100X8mm), Welding machine, Hammer drill Machine, Safety Shield, Grinder, hammer.
1.   The work place is to be free from all kind of debris.
2.   To check electrical socket for work.
3.   Any kind of cable/wire is to be covered with flexible pipe and no naked wire is to be seen.
4.   Use welding glass during welding.
Stair railing fixing
1.    If the tread is of 300mm, after 100mm from the starting of tread MS plate of 100X50 is to be fixed by anchor fastener of 100 X 8 as shown in the drawing.
2.    Stair railing to be fixed with adjacent sides in plumb.
3.    After checking the plumb and line, weld the stair railing to the pre-fix MS plate.
4.    End point of first flight and start point of second flight at landing/floor should be at the same level.
5.    Uniform gap should be maintained between finished floor and railing.
6.    Height of railing should be uniform throughout.
7.    Welding joints should be neatly grinded.
8.    Anchor fastener should be tightly fixed.

Balcony railing fixing
1.   As per our standard, skirting top will be 100mm from top of tile and balcony railing top will be 950 mm for low rise and 1050 mm for high rise, from finished floor level.
2.   Railing top level should be marked.
3.   Anchor fastener to be fixed at the ends of railing, in concrete members.
4.   Holdfast to be fixed at bottom of railing.
5.   75 X 75 mm coping of concrete (1:2:4) to be done all around at the bottom to fix the holdfast.
6.   Level and verticality of railing to be checked while fixing the railing.
1.    Railing height and design must be as per drawing/standards.
2.    Railing must be in line and level.
3.    Railing must be in plumb and right angle.
4.   Vertical members of stair railing must be welded on the middle of the prefixed    MS Plate at bottom.
5.    All welding joints must be finished smoothly by grinding.
6.    One coat of red oxide primer should be coated on the railing before fixing.
7.   All welded parts needs to be applied with primer again immediately after completion of welding.
8.   Anchor Fastener should not be loose.


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