Slump Test of Concrete

Slump tEST (IS:1199-1959)

To determine the workability or consistency of concrete mix of given proportion by slump test. 

IS : 1199-1959 – Methods of tests for Slump of concrete.

§  Slump Cone with base plate
§  Tampering Rod

  1. Take the sample concrete from the discharge location.
  2. The internal surface of the slump cone is to be thoroughly cleaned and placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and non absorbent surface.
  3. Place the mixed concrete in the cleaned slump cone in 4 layers each approximately 1/4 in height of the mould. Tamp each layer 25 times with tamping rod.
  4. Remove the cone immediately, rising it slowly and carefully in the vertical direction.
  5. As soon as the concrete settlement comes to a stop, measure the subsistence of the concrete in cms, which gives the slump.
  1. The strokes are to be uniformly applied through the entire area of the concrete section.
  2. The cone should be removed very slowly by lifting it upwards without disturbing the concrete.
  3. During filling the mould must be firmly pressed against the base.
  4. Vibrations from nearly machinery might also increase subsidence; hence test should be made beyond the range of ground vibrations.


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