How to fix the Tile on Wall & Floor

                         How to fix the Tile on Wall & Floor

1.   First of all chipping should be done on all RCC members so as to remove any extra concrete/ cement mortar on the surface.
2.   Level should be marked on the walls with Mason thread
3.   Tile start point & Layout shall be done according to the GFC drawing.
4.   Tile should be soaked in water i.e. vitrified tile as per manufacturer recommendation and ceramic tile for 2-3 hours.
5.   Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned and wetted with water and thereafter cement slurry are to be spread over the surface.
6.   Level tip are to be established
7.   The bedding for the tile shall be with cement mortar 1:41 cement: 4 stone dust).  The average thickness of the bedding shall be 20-30 mm for flooring & 15-20mm (in 2 layers) for dado
8.   Cement mortar are to be spread up to maximum of 150 Sft of floor area at one go. The laid mortar is to be compacted with aluminum FANTY up to desired level. Tiles are to be laid as per approved pattern using specified spacer all over the designated area (up to 150 Sft).
9.   The plaster of ceiling of the toilet would be done by the plaster contractor mason. The entire wall (including the area above the dado tile) would be plastered in line, level, plumb and right angle by the tiling contractor mason.

10.     The plaster work for the walls would be done in one layer on the same day on which the tiling work has to be carried out. The area above the dado tile would not be plastered after the tiling work in any case.
11.     Final fixing of tiles by applying honey like cement paste on the backside of the tile with zig zag scratching of paste with the help of notch trowel and spread thin slurry over master bed ,laying to be started from start point. Installation process to be completed by tapping with Rubber Mallet in such way that little amount of slurry starts coming from the sides of the tile. Extra slurry from top surface must be cleaned with the help of wet sponge
12.      Proper use of plumb and thread is to be made for correct alignment in dado tiling work.

                                         No                Yes

13. The floor  is to be kept submerged in water for 5-7 days and in case of dado curing is to be 5-7 times a day for 7 days
14. The movement inside the flat to be restricted by blocking main door
15. Skirting of described pattern to be fixed after 7 days of floor tile laying.
16. Plastering up to desired thickness, considering skirting projection, shall be done immediately before skirting fixing. Skirting is to be fixed with cement paste applied evenly throughout the back surface of tiles. Proper line and level is to be checked thoroughly.
17. The finished tile surface should not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet. In case of appearance of hollow sound, respective tiles should be removed and reinstalled properly.
18. The tiles surface and joints shall be cleaned with scraper to a depth of 3 mm to 4 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed by soft brush.
19. Put a layer of approved material over the tile surface for proper protection of tiles from getting damaged/ scratched.
20. Grouting work: The protection layer as mentioned in point no 19 is to be removed only after first coat of painting inside the flat. Thereafter preparation for tile grouting work shall be done. Joints shall then be grouted, recessed and rounded up to maximum of 1 mm depth with specified grouting material (added with pigment if required) to match the color of tiles. Relevant checklist is to be closed
21.Cleaning of tiles is to be done using floor cleaning machine before the release of final checklist
22. Check floor, dado, skirting and quality of grouting thoroughly and necessary action is to be taken immediately.


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