
How to check quality of Clay or Red Bricks at site

                  How to check quality of Clay or Red Bricks at site Bricks are building blocks of a structure. Brick is most extensively used materials of the building construction. As an Engineer, you must know how to check the quality of bricks on site. A good quality of brick should be chemically inert that means it won’t show any reaction when it mixed with any material. In this post, I am making you learn how to check the quality of bricks on site and what are the qualities of a good brick. How to select the right variety/ quality of brick in your construction:- / Characteristics of a good quality brick:- <script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"         src=""> </script> How to check the quality of bricks on site:- To chose the right quality of brick one should test the brick for following tests:- 1. Uniform Color, Size, and Shape: Colour & shape of ...

PPF Account के लिए New Update- आप भी जाने Public Provident Fund Account विलय नियम |

  PPF Account के लिए New Update- आप भी जाने Public Provident Fund Account विलय नियम | PPF Account के लिए New Update, अगर आपका भी Public Provident Fund Account है तो नए Rules की जानकारी जरुर पढ़े, RBI ने PPF Account पर कुछ बदलाव किया है, PPF Account में जमा राशि निर्धारित सीमा से अधिक होने पर क्या करना होगा | इस बात का तो आप सभी को पता होगा कि Public Provident Fund Scheme के अंतर्गत 7.1% की ब्याज दर हर वर्ष प्रदान की जाती हैं। आप Public Provident Fund Scheme के तहत वित्तीय वर्ष में Minimum 500 रुपए तथा अधिकतम 1.50 लाख रुपए जमा करा सकते हैं। PPF Scheme के अंतर्गत एक Financial Year में केवल एक ही ऋण लिया जा सकता हैं। दूसरा ऋण व्यक्ति को तब तक प्रदान नहीं किया जाता जब तक वह अपना पहला ऋण ना चुका दें। Public Provident Fund Scheme निवेशकों के बीच काफी प्रसिद्ध है और निवेशकों के द्वारा यह काफी पसंद भी की जाती है क्योंकि यह एक सरल योजना हैं। PPF Scheme के अंतर्गत कोई भी व्यक्ति बैंक या डाकघर में केवल एक ही Account खोल सकता हैं। यदि कोई व्यक्ति एक से ज्यादा खाता Account  खोलता हैं , तो इ...

What is the Difference between OPC and PPC now days

  n this post, I am going to explain the major differences among the OPC and PPC [Ordinary Portland Cement and Pozzolana Portland Cement]. Difference between OPC and PPC : If you are viewing the below table in Mobile device Scroll horizontally for better view . Description OPC PPC Definition The word OPC stands for Ordinary Portland Cement The word PPC stands for Pozzolana Portland Cement Raw Material Ordinary Portland cement is a mixture of limestone, raw argillaceous, calcareous materials and gypsum. Pozzolana cement is manufactured by mixing 30% of pozzolana to Ordinary Portland cement clinkers. Composition OPC comprises of huge amount of Limestone powder in it The pozzolana is a material which is formed due to the volcanic eruptions. It is a siliceous material having about 80% clay in it. Durability The durability of concrete made by OPC is less when compared with PPC The main motto of adding Pozzolana Materials to OPC is to enhance the Durability of Concrete Initial Strength T...

How the Cool paint on roof works/(Heat Reflective paint) ?

Heat Reflective paint/Cool paint  is a Heat Reflective Paint and this paint  has been designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof.  Its application reduces roof temperature and correspondingly reduces room temperature. In the case of air-conditioned spaces, the power consumption is reduced due to the lowered temperature gradient across the  slab .   Just as wearing light-colored clothing can help keep you cool on a sunny day, cool paint material that is designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. Cool Paint  is made of highly reflective type of paint by emissivity aqueous coating based on acrylic- resins. It is an eco-friendly paint which upon application to cementaceous, asbestos or MS roofing, increases the emissivity of that surface, which results in reflection of heat energy. Apart from this the non-conductive properties it also provides insulative effectiveness through its unifo...