
How the Cool paint on roof works/(Heat Reflective paint) ?

Heat Reflective paint/Cool paint  is a Heat Reflective Paint and this paint  has been designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof.  Its application reduces roof temperature and correspondingly reduces room temperature. In the case of air-conditioned spaces, the power consumption is reduced due to the lowered temperature gradient across the  slab .   Just as wearing light-colored clothing can help keep you cool on a sunny day, cool paint material that is designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. Cool Paint  is made of highly reflective type of paint by emissivity aqueous coating based on acrylic- resins. It is an eco-friendly paint which upon application to cementaceous, asbestos or MS roofing, increases the emissivity of that surface, which results in reflection of heat energy. Apart from this the non-conductive properties it also provides insulative effectiveness through its uniformity. Application of Cool Paint: Clean

Curing of Concrete Members Column & Slab | Curing time & Duration | Curing methods

  Concrete is a composite material consisting of  cement, sand, and water in suitable proportions . The chemical interaction between cement and water binds the aggregate. Fresh concrete will be plastic so that it can be molded to any desired shape and compacted to form a dense mass. Concrete should be placed in a position before it starts losing its plasticity. The time at which concrete completely lost its plasticity and became hard is called the final setting time of concrete. Curing of concrete: Curing plays a vital role in concrete strength development and durability. After adding water to the concrete mix (Cement, Sand & Aggregate), the exothermic reaction (hydration) takes place, which helps the concrete to harden. Hardening of concrete is not instant and continues for a longer period, which requires more amount of water for processing hydration. So, the concrete kept moist until the hydration reaction in concrete completes. This process called the curing of concrete. or Curi

What are the 5 Types of Building Construction?

  Most people would look at a building and view it as just that: a building. But as a contractor, you see buildings differently. Building elements like the structure, walls, floors, and roof are all telling of a building’s class. If you don’t already have a keen eye for those details, it’s important to know the five types of building construction. Especially if you’re in the   fire restoration business . Buildings can be categorized into   five different types of construction : fire-resistive, non-combustible, ordinary, heavy timber, and wood-framed.     Fire-resistive Type I (IA and IB) With this type of construction,  walls, partitions, columns, floors, and roofs are the most noncombustible when it comes to fire-resistant ratings. These structures are usually easy to spot based on their height. Fire-resistive buildings are more than 75-feet tall and made of poured concrete and protective steel. They are designed to withstand the effects of fire for a long period of time to prevent a

How to fix MIVAN aluminium Formwork (Shuttering)

Formwork: Form work  is  a mould for a structure. Into this mould,  fresh concrete  is poured to harden the concrete. The construction of formwork takes time and involves expenditure upto 20 to 25% of the total cost of the structure or even more. Design of these  temporary structures  are made to economic expenditure. The operation of removing the formwork is known as stripping.  Stripped formwork  can be reused. Reusable forms are known as  panel forms  and non-usable are called  stationary forms. Timber is the most common material used for formwork. The disadvantage with timber formwork is that it will warp, swell and shrink. To overcome these issues, MIVAN Formwork came into lame light there are many uses and even profits when compared with the timber formwork. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> MIVAN ALUMINIUM FORMWORK: Mivan is an al