

METHOD STATEMENT FOR CONCRETING                                                                                                                                        INTRODUCTION / SCOPE This method statement describes the practices and methods to be used for mixing and placing of cement concrete. OBJECT: - To ensure that concreting is done in such a manner that it meets the criteria of I.S codes of practices for general concreting work. - To ensure that the finished structure is of desired quality & specifications as prescribed in approved GFC drawings provided.  MATERIAL: Cement, Sand, Coarse Aggregates, Water, RMC PRINCIPLE: Concrete is basically constituted of cement, sand, coarse aggregates and water. Sand and coarse aggregates fill the volume & cement bind the constituents together. APPARATUS / EQUIPMENT ·          Vibrator                     ·          Slump cone ·          Wheel barrow ·          Cube molds ·          Con

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HTTP का अर्थ क्या है?उत्तर:- Hyper Text Transfer Protoco. ☞. P D F का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Portable Document Format. Engineer IQ ☞. H T M L का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Hyper Text Mark up  Language. ☞. N E F T का मतलब है?उत्तर:- National Electronic Fund Transfer. ☞. M I C R का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Magnetic Inc Character Recognition. ☞. I F S C का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Indian Financial System Code. ☞. I S P का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Internet Service Provider. ☞. E C S का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Electronic Clearing System. ☞. C S T का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Central Sales Tax. ☞.CRR का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Cash Reserve Ratio. ☞.U D P का मतलब है?उत्तर:- User Datagram Protocol. ☞. R T C का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Real Time Clock. ☞. I P का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Internet Protocol.☞. C A G का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Comptroller and Auditor General.☞. F E R A का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. ☞. I S R O का मतलब है?उत्तर:- International Space Research organization .☞. I S D N का मतलब है?उत्तर:- Integrated Services Digital Network .☞. SAARC क