
Showing posts from January, 2021

What are the 5 Types of Building Construction?

  Most people would look at a building and view it as just that: a building. But as a contractor, you see buildings differently. Building elements like the structure, walls, floors, and roof are all telling of a building’s class. If you don’t already have a keen eye for those details, it’s important to know the five types of building construction. Especially if you’re in the   fire restoration business . Buildings can be categorized into   five different types of construction : fire-resistive, non-combustible, ordinary, heavy timber, and wood-framed.     Fire-resistive Type I (IA and IB) With this type of construction,  walls, partitions, columns, floors, and roofs are the most noncombustible when it comes to fire-resistant ratings. These structures are usually easy to spot based on their height. Fire-resistive buildings are more than 75-feet tall and made of poured concrete and protective steel. They are designed to withstand the effects of fire for a...